The Anthratube is the efficient and clean way to heat AUTOMATICALLY with Anthracite coal. The Anthratube by Axeman-Anderson comes in two models making it an excellent choice for small homes or large apartment buildings. The Anthratube is a great way to effectively burn coal and heat your home.
A.S.M.E. Construction
Approved by Anthracite Institute
Burns Anthracite Automatically
Eliminates Ash Dust
Saves up to 50%
Factory Assembled
Lifetime Guarantee
Be sure to visit the Literature page for more information
Family...Security...Warmth Cozy rooms, instant hot water for your bath and kitchen...economically and reliably. Heating systems from Axeman-Anderson, for all the comforts of home.
Axeman-Anderson Company
300 East Mountain Avenue
South Williamsport, PA 17702